Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We talked about integrating today and integration as a 'big word' in Pattillo Beals' view of it, but we did not really talk about segregation.

1) What does the word 'segregation' suggest to you? How would it make people feel? How for instance would Melba's grandmother have felt loving all her life under segregation  Can s'egregation' ever be good? (For instance, some people think boys and girls should be educated separately--how is this different from educating the races separately).

2) What sorts of activities in the old South would have been segregated, aside from school?

3) Our big discussing item--why was education such an important way to achieve an integrated society? Why did it matter so much?

And then we will finish our work on the photograph essay.

Remember, disregard references  to "Friday' in the syllabus; I meant 'Thursday'.

1 comment:

  1. Is the kind of thing in the link below a renewed attempt at segregation?
